Expertise to interpret and apply building standards and codes to meet fire safety criteria
Fire safety audit or fire risk assessment is a comprehensive review of a building in Singapore, in order to assess its fire risks and offer recommendations to improve its safety. It is required for all buildings to comply with the prevailing fire codes and fire safety legislation in Singapore, be it a newly constructed building or an existing one undergoing additions and alterations.
Find out more >> SCDF Circular : Extent of Responsibility of Qualified Persons in A&A Works
Fire safety audit or fire risk assessment in Singapore is a study of the building to determine its fire risk, as well as offering recommendations for improved safety of occupants and infrastructure. When conducting the assessment, qualified fire safety engineers will first gather relevant information, identify fire hazards and existing control measures, likelihood of occurrence, as well as potential severity to determine overall risk level. From there, they can propose risk control measures and implementation procedures.
It is important and beneficial that fire safety audit & fire risk assessment in Singapore be conducted in properties while they are still on their building phase. By involving SHEVS IFT’s fire safety engineers early in the design process, we are able to assist building owners, architects & designers to interpret and apply the building codes to meet fire safety criteria. In turn, this allows us to develop effective and efficient solutions to meet design intents, helping to save time and cost during the implementation and construction phases.
Plan Review + Inspection + Testing
Review of design drawings for compliance with the life safety, fire safety and fire protection measures are carried out at an acceptable level of safety to meet the requirements of AHJ.
We also conduct site inspection and testing against approved plans for fire protection systems, smoke control systems, fire alarm systems, passive fire systems, life safety means of escape measures prior to final audit checks by the AHJ.
Fire Audit and Regularisation
In the event of any non-compliance, we can also provide alternative solutions for Performance-based Approach + Fire Safety Designs or Fire Engineering Assessment + Waiver Application for the following issues:
Temporary Fire Permit (TFP) or Fire Safety Certificate (FSC)
Registered Inspectors are required for all types of construction projects that involve any fire safety.
Subject to the nature of the construction works, the owner would need to engage architectural Registered Inspector – RI(A) and or Mechanical & Electrical Registered Inspector – RI(M & E) to inspect and certify the site installations for the issuance of the Temporary Fire Permit / Fire Safety Certificate.
Find out more >> SCDF List of RI (Architectural) & RI (Mechanical & Electrical)
For any projects involving performance-based designs, the Registered Inspector(s) must also be a registered Fire Safety Engineer (FSE).
Application of Fire Certificate & Renewal of Fire Certificate
The purpose of the Fire Certification Scheme is to regulate and ensure that the fire safety systems installed in buildings are properly maintained in good working conditions. These fire safety systems should be tested in accordance with the codes of practice with reference to the documents;
Simulation of the Sprinkler Umbrella Water Spray Pattern
The surrounding services may pose as obstructions to the umbrella water spray of the sprinklers thus reducing the sprinkler effectiveness.
Formal assessment based on the FM Global installation guidelines for sprinklers may be used to determine the effective fire sizes where necessary.
Letter of No Objection (LNO) for Buildings with Performance-based Designs
With no prejudice, it is not mandatory but usually a common and cost-effective practice for building owners to engage the base Fire Safety Engineer to assess the impact of alterations and additions to the existing performance-based designs for the issuance of the Letter of No Objection (LN0).
However, for unforeseen circumstances, the owners may also engage an independent Fire Safety Engineer for the issuance of the LNO.
We will review the impact of alterations and additions to the building’s existing Performance-based Fire Safety Designs for compliance with the life safety, fire protection and acceptance criteria against the performance objectives of the prevailing fire code.
Where necessary, we will assist Owners to purchase the performance-based documents (FEDB, FER, O&M) from the SCDF (AHJ).
Sustainable fire safety designs to cope with future upgrading work and prevailing fire codes.
Well-balanced fire safety solution needs Innovation, Functionality, Sustainability and Performance.
Innovative fire safety engineering designs for existing or new development to ensure continuity and code compliance.
With the prevailing building codes and standards changing to address new technologies and market trends, innovative fire safety engineering designs for existing or new development are required to ensure continuity and code compliance.
On keeping-up with changing environments, innovative fire safety designs must be adaptable to suit flexible building designs to accommodate potential changes in use.
Through deep knowledge of prescriptive and performance-based approaches, SHEVS can provide customized designs for the most appropriate and effective strategy from planning to occupancy.
Understanding stakeholders’ aspirations in terms of purpose, architectural appeal, construction costs and completion time.
No two buildings are alike. Therefore, the understanding of the stakeholders’ aspirations in terms of purpose, architectural appeal, construction costs and time are critical to derive the most practical and functional building design.
With the proven experience of SHEVS, we can assist you to navigate the complex processes of different regulatory agencies to deliver the project completion with expedited construction, minimal costs and fit for its purpose.
Adaptable and sustainable fire safety designs to cope with future upgrading work and prevailing fire codes during the life span of the building.
During the life span of a building, it may undergo alterations and additions for upgrading at some time to suit the market trends and the stakeholders’ ambitions. Therefore, it is important that appropriate fire safety solutions for the building are designed to cope with future upgrading works as far as possible.
SHEVS has extensive track records in formulating fire safety engineering solutions for both existing and new constructions to suit the prevailing building codes.
With SHEVS’ comprehensive experience and understanding of the building codes, only robust and sustainable fire safety designs will be recommended.
Robust fire safety designs for state-of-the-art creation and complex architectural building design intents.
While prescriptive and traditional fire code compliance can be applicable for many conventional buildings, these codes may inhibit state-of-the-art creation for unique and complex architectural building design intents.
SHEVS’ innovative experiences and resources can assist you to develop alternative performance-based designs within a short timeline that can satisfy the performance objectives of the alternative designs and exceed the prescriptive code requirements.
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